TC Spec Ial Pa Ges

3 sie 2010

finally / w koncu nastepny PL || ENG


Caly lipiec uplynal bez posta. Ciekawe. ale - caly czas jakikolwiek mialem zostal poswiecony przede wszystkim na dokonczenie prac nad plyta. i ta gotowa. master na dniach leci do fabryki. "THE AMOR". Wydaje Mystic 20.09. a cala reszta czasu to moja robota z dizajnem dla OFF Festivalu w K-cach. A ze fest sie rozrosl ogromnie, to robic bylo co. Wyliczylem, ze na wykonanie wszystkiego poswiecilem jakies 1000 godzin roboczych, od stycznia 2010. Masa ciekawych i nieciekawych anegdot z tym zwiazanych, moze kiedys bedzie okazja, chec i ochota o niektorych napisac. Poki co cieszy mnie, ze fest juz pojutrze i juz nie musze czegokolwiek robic poza praniem koszul i odkurzaniem juz tylko dla siebie.
W chwilach wolnych byly proby, do skladu dolaczyla Ola Rzepka i to cieszy nieslychanie. Dwa zestawy bebnow to cos czego od dawna chcialem (jak za starych Molrow). 

zaraz po Offie gramy 2 duze koncerty w Krakowie na rynku (glownym) i na molo (tez glownym, choc chyba i tak innego nie ma) w Sopocie. dokladne dane na mysp i fb(i). Te koncerty sa w ramach promocji Katowic na Europejska Stolice Kultury. Popieramy rzecz jasna. Tutaj wiecej:


the whole july without a post. interesting. but - all time I got I spent to finish our new album. And this is ready. DDP files master flies to factory soon. "THE AMOR" release on september the 20 on Mystic. And all the rest time I spent on finishing design for the OFF Festival. This festival after moving to Katowice had grown SO much, was something to do. Approximately I worked for 1000 hours since january for this event. It is a lot. Dosens of funny and awfull stories around it, maybe one day will be the ocassion, the will and the sense to tell some of them. Now I am really happy, that fest is starting in two days and I need to take care only about my own dirty shirts to make them clean and ready. Some photos of ready designs I will show after festival.
And in free time we had extensive rehearsals. We have the very new member - Ola Rzepka and this is an awesome fact. I wanted to have to drumsets in the setup since a long time (like in old Molr Drammaz). And now I have!

After  Off we play two big shows for promotion of Katowice for European Cultural Capitol, we support this idea. I was born there and I know city's hidden potential, so much underaprecciated in the rest of country. This is something to change. More here:

photo by Daniel Brozek, old pal of mine. 
Yes, we have seen KONONO #1. jawdropping, no wonder, no doubt. I have to plug my old kalimba again.

no dobra, to cos przed festiwalem, specjalny t-shirt dla Artura Rojka: